
Founded in 1984 by Peter Way and Major R.T. Donald Welsh.

The purpose of the Society is to bring together collectors, researchers, manufacturers, museums and libraries, and all persons interested who wish to increase their knowledge of English playing cards and card games, their makers and designers.

Benefits of Membership
    • We are a Society dedicated to the study and collection of “English Playing Cards”
    • English Games are given equal footing alongside English Playing Cards.
    • A yearly Meeting.
    • The fellowship of members.
    • A regular Members Newsletter/Magazine; click here to read a sample.
    • Access to all back issues.

We are an ideal publication for you to publish your articles and research.

Secretary's Notes

Worldwide Digital £10, UK £21, Europe £25, Worldwide £29

The EPCS PayPal account is: and my address for cheques is still the same. For those without a PayPal Account I can send a PayPal Invoice that can easily be paid using any credit card; just let me know. Also, ask me for online account details for transfers if requiredJoin online using our interactive form.


The Society usually holds one meeting each year, a golden opportunity for exchanging and buying cards, as well as enjoying the social occasion.

A talk is usually given on an interesting topic relating to playing cards or card games,

See photographs of the 25th Anniversary AGM held in Pratts Hotel, Bath, 2009. Click here to see photo of the meeting at Milton Keynes… photo 2.

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